A downloadable nature

Wunderkammern, or wonder cabinets, are collections of the inspiring, the amazing, the unbelievable, the incredible.  Gathered from nature, or from art, or from technology, and arrayed for view.  A chance to learn of places distant, of times long gone, of kith forgotten.

You can find out more about the actual history of wonder cabinets and how they evolved to create museums, here.

The Wunderkabinett is an independent production by Andrew Aulenback and Eric Drew  and is not affiliated with Possum Creek Games Inc. 

It is published under the (very generous) Wanderhome Third Party License.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorAndrew Aulenback
Tagsmuseum, nature, ndnm, PbtA, Tabletop role-playing game, wanderhome


Nature - the Wunderkabinett.pdf 2.6 MB

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