A downloadable playbook

The Dandy is a playbook for the fantastic Wanderhome tabletop role-playing game. Wanderhome is a game about the stories that come from meeting people for the first time, no matter how often we meet them.  This playbook explores taking those first impressions into your own paws, and making a point with them.

The world is hard for many, and you make your statement to bring about change.  Some use pamphlets and shouted words, but you rebel by trying to strike more beauty through your clothes and manners.  Beauty is a powerful statement too, after all.  

You are alive.  Your care is colourful, exaggerated, and dramatic.

The Dandy Playbook  is an independent production by Andrew Aulenback and Eric Drew and is not affiliated with Possum Creek Games Inc. It is published under the Wanderhome Third Party License.

Made possible by the generous Wanderhome Third Party License.


playbook draft - Dandy.pdf 1.2 MB


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The Dandelion, by Don Freeman. A short story about a Dandy lion. 


Curious about the "lightbulb lizard"?  Here's a bit on the (zoologically) controversial subject.